Boredom is often dismissed, but it’s not just a childhood issue—adults can benefit immensely from embracing it, too. If you find yourself collapsing in exhaustion at the end of the day, falling asleep the moment you sit down, or unable to quiet your racing thoughts, you might be the perfect candidate for an exercise in boredom!
Many of us are trapped in an endless cycle of “musts” and “shoulds.” Take a moment to notice the busy mind that generates this list. Now, ask yourself: will you ever truly reach the end of it? Probably not.
What if you embraced boredom instead?
Regularly allowing moments of stillness can serve as a pause button, prompting self-reflection and exploration of what’s happening within you. It can reconnect you with your passions and values and may even spark the urge to create—whether that’s painting, writing, or sculpting.
Often, we get stuck in a state of heightened alertness known as the sympathetic state. This fight-or-flight response can feel paradoxically safe, as though we’re actively escaping some unseen threat. But if there are no actual dangers lurking in your life, consider pausing and exploring the discomfort that comes with stillness.
Be curious about what arises in those moments of boredom. This exploration might lead you to a more secure state of known as ventral vagal, where you can experience calm, connection, creativity, clarity, compassion, and courage—often referred to as the 8 C’s of self-energy within the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model.
If you’ve been entrenched in the sympathetic state for a long time or find it challenging to understand your experiences, consider seeking guidance from a clinician. A therapeutic process can help you map your nervous system and identify what triggers you out of the state of ventral vagal and what are the glimmers that can anchor you back. If you feel you just need a little nudge feel free to take part in our free virtual webinar entitled "Your Nervous System and YOU!"
Your Nervous System and YOU webinar:
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